Telefauna with !!! & Holy Fuck, Miracle Fortress Album/Tour
Hey! So we played with !!! and Holy Fuck the other night in Montreal, and it was quite fun. Aside from waiting around for a long time to do a sound check, it was an enjoyable evening. Those bands can rock! Thanks to everyone who paid the exorbitant ticket price and came out!
Anyway, that was our last show of the summer until... I don't know when. Maybe August or September. As for our summer plans, Katherine and Ian are off globe-trotting, and I will be going on the road with Miracle Fortress for a few weeks in June/July. I dunno what Tyler's doing... We're gonna be working on our recordings though, and will post updates on that biz as we deem appropriate. Much love!
In other news, the Miracle Fortress record is out today!
Miracle Fortress Tour Dates:
## w/ MONTAG
06/20 ::: Quebec City QC @ Dagobert ##
06/21 ::: Ottawa ON @ Babylon Night Club w/ SUNSET RUBDOWN ##
06/22 ::: Sherbrooke QC @ Telephone Rouge ##
06/23 ::: Toronto ON @ Whipper Snapper art space ##
06/24 ::: Sudbury ON @ The Townehouse ##
06/25 ::: Thunder Bay ON @ Definitely Superior art gallery ##
06/26 ::: Winnipeg MB @ Collective Cabaret ##
06/27 ::: Regina SK @ O'Hanlon's (TBC) ##
06/28 ::: Calgary AB @ Quincey's w/ HYLOZOISTS ##
06/29 ::: Vancouver BC @ Pat's Pub ##
06/30 ::: Victoria BC @ Logan's &&
07/01 ::: day off
07/02 ::: TBD
07/03 ::: TBD
07/04 ::: Kelowna BC @ The Whitehouse Night Gallery &&
07/05 ::: Calgary AB @ Quincy's w/ GET HIM EAT HIM &&
07/06 ::: Saskatoon SK @ Amigo's (TBC)
07/07 ::: Winnipeg MB @ TBD
07/08 ::: Thunder Bay ON @ TBD
07/09 ::: Sudbury ON @ Alder Hall (all-ages)
07/10 ::: Wakefield QC @ TBA